The annual Kalopsia: Dia Elpida transpires once again

1 min readNov 26, 2021


by Aura Sison

The Center for Communication Arts will host its annual spoken word and music event entitled “Kalopsia: Dia Elpida” on November 26, 2021 via Facebook Livestream.

Kalopsia: Dia Elpida will showcase multiple talents through Elpida’s story. This year, the event will persist with its yearly spoken poetry alongside musical performances starring guest bands such as Catharsis, She’s Only Sixteen, and Babel. Divided into 3 phases, the event consists of 13 performance numbers. For the first time, Kalopsia: Dia Elpida will include dance performances together with their merchandise-selling — offering shirts and tote bags that adhere to the event’s theme.

“Expression is the only thing people can truly hold onto in order to define what they feel, most especially in a pandemic where we are deprived of being able to see people on a personal lens,” remarked Faith Dacara, one of the project heads.




The official school publication of St. Paul College, Pasig.