Intramurals 2017 finally comes to a close with the cheerdance competition and closing ceremony

2 min readDec 4, 2017


by Nicola Rebullida

On the final day of Sportsfest 2017, all batches cheered their loudest during the Cheer Dance competition held in the latter part of the morning. The competition kicked off with the spears of the Freshmen being raised high into the air, with hearts that bled green cheering at the top of their lungs. Next, the babies of the high school department, the Neophytes, set fire to the space with their shiny yellow flames, impressing the entire audience. The Rookies were next, beginning with a bang, through their orange torches and their bows and arrows, aiming for the gold. With their pink bandanas and their engines up to its maximum level, the Sophomores followed after the Rookies, hand jiving to different 80’s songs. Next, the waves were even bigger for this batch, as the Juniors held their pompoms high into the air, moving to different hawaiian beats. To end the Cheer Dance competition, the Seniors impressed everyone with the different fire bending skills and moves, showcased by the entire batch.

The afternoon brought all the intramurals players to the first floor of SPACE, as everyone patiently waited for the results of all the games. The awarding started with the final performance of the official intramurals song, “Unstoppable” by The Score. Afterwards, the long awaited awarding ceremony began with hosts Miss Pike and Sir Virtudez who reminded the students the importance of sportsmanship. Finally, the awards were given to all the prestigious athletes, who put their heart and all their efforts into their respective sports, to emerge victorious. To end with a bang, the winners of the Cheer Dance competition was revealed next. With a clean sheet of a back-to-back championship, the seniors emerged victorious as the champions for the cheerdancing competition, the best pep squad, and the overall champions of this year’s Intramurals.

Sister Teresita concluded the awarding ceremony by thanking all the people who made this year’s intramurals possible. She also reminded the entire high school department how immensely proud she is of everyone for participating and giving everything they’ve got for the success of this year’s Intramurals, ending this year’s Sportsfest with hopeful hearts, excited for what’s to come next year.




Written by Pauliworld

The official school publication of St. Paul College, Pasig.

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