Empowering the Future Heroes of Tomorrow: LIFE Officers Training 2022
By: Gab Martinez
Last October 21, 2022, marked the heroic day elected LIFE officers underwent the annual leadership training, a project courtesy of the SPCP Student Coordinating Team (SCT). This year’s LIFE Officers Training entitled EMPOWER: Future Heroes of Tomorrow, with the fitting theme of the Powerpuff Girls, gathered the classroom officers, organization officers, and track representatives across the high school department for the whole-day event at which the student leaders were given the opportunity to test and hone their leadership skills through a series of activities prepared by the SCT.
The LIFE officers started the day with an official induction into office by the high school principal Dr. Ronald Santos, followed by energizers and short but enticing icebreaker activities. The student leaders then gained effective insights into leadership during times of crisis through the invited keynote speaker for this year’s leadership training, Atty. Luke Espiritu, a former senatorial candidate in last May 2022’s Philippine elections. Atty. Luke Espiritu’s talk contained valuable lessons about what characteristics a good leader should manifest during times of adversity, and afterward, students were able to ask for more advice on leadership from the invited speaker. Following this, the LIFE officers were given time to collaborate with co-officers from their respective batches in order to discuss future plans and projects to be implemented within their grade levels.
The last activity for the day, entitled Amazing Race, prompted healthy competition among the LIFE officers, with each student grouped with other officers as they underwent a series of varying challenges from case analysis situations to teamwork-dependent mini-games. EMPOWER: Future Heroes of Tomorrow officially concluded with the LIFE officers receiving token pins representing their leadership positions as they ended the day having earned takeaways regarding what it takes to be a leader and how they can enact positive change amongst the students they lead.
“Being a Powerpuff Girl isn’t about getting your way. It’s about using your own unique abilities to help people and the world we all live in.” — Blossom. EMPOWER: Future Heroes of Tomorrow provided an avenue for the LIFE officers of the school year 2022 to 2023 to become equipped with the knowledge and skills they need in order to serve the student body. The event effectively inspired the officers to give their best efforts and to learn the deeper meaning of leadership as they continue to serve in office for the remainder of the school year.
The SPCP community continues to wish all elected student leaders the best of luck throughout their endeavors and platforms dedicated to the betterment of the school community!