Batch 2026 Elective Fair to Pursue One’s Wildest Dreams

4 min readMay 7, 2024


By: Darwyne Manigbas


The stage for Batch 2028’s future has been set! Last March 13, 2024, the Batch 2028 Rookies attended this year’s elective fair, “The Electives Tour: Are You Ready For It?” arranged by the Batch 2026 Sophomores Public Relations and Events Management (PREM) class.

With Taylor Swift — an inspirational icon who inspires people to reach for their dreams — as the main theme of this year’s elective fair, the PREM students held their elective fair in hopes for it to be a journey they’ll remember all too well. Through the talks and booths of each elective, the Rookies were guided and inspired to pursue their wildest dreams!

The event began with an opening program, a jingle from student band DYLEMA, and an icebreaker, before being ready to listen to the talks.

The first talk was about the Public Relations and Events Management or PREM elective, following the theme of Taylor Swift’s album–Fearless. Batch 2023 alumnae Hannah Guerrero was the speaker for this talk. The PREM elective offers activities like case analysis, SWOT analysis, simulations, crisis management, and experiential marketing, preparing students for roles in event coordination, event management, and public relations, aligned with Accountancy, Business, and Management subjects.

Next up was a talk inspired by Taylor Swift’s Red, featuring the Medical Science elective talk led by Batch 2022 alumnae Rachelle Kasilag. She talked of how Medical Science elective students develop hard skills like CPR and vital sign assessment, as well as soft skills like teamwork and communication, preparing them for health-allied careers. Even if they decide on a different career path, they graduate with what the speaker refers to as “pretty cool skills,” such as taking vital signs, performing CPR, and identifying illness symptoms.

The third talk is the talk of Batch 2025 student Ramya Espiritu on the Political Science elective, inspired by Taylor Swift’s album — Speak Now. According to this talk, the Political Science elective equips students with a comprehensive understanding of government and politics through class discussions and writing assignments, preparing them for careers such as diplomats, lawyers, professors, and journalists. As Ramya put it, “It makes you curious and gives you a deep sense of justice.”

Next up was a talk following the theme of the 1989 album of Taylor Swift, in the event — the Travel Services elective, presented by Batch 2024 student Samantha Leander followed after. The Travel Services elective teaches students about Philippine tourism, travelers, and responsible tourism, developing planning, communication, and marketing skills while fostering appreciation for culture.

With a parallel to the album Lover, the Multimedia Arts elective was up next. The speaker, Alexa Bernabe of Batch 2024, shared her insights and information about the elective. The Multimedia Arts (MMA) elective fosters innovation by integrating art and technology. It covers visual communication, advertising, marketing, and art application, providing students with expertise in strategic advertising, market positioning, and effective message delivery for the digital era.

In the last talk, the E-commerce elective following the Reputation album, Tiffany Cosue, a Batch 2023 alumnae, shared how the students go on an exciting, motivating, and entertaining journey in the E-commerce elective. The elective covers business fundamentals, commerce principles, and business plan construction, preparing students for real-world challenges and preparing them for various career paths in e-commerce, including businesswoman, data analyst, marketing director, and HR director.

To end the first part of the event–the talks per elective–certificates of appreciation were awarded by the PREM students with their teacher, Miss Esmaya to the six speakers who shared their invaluable insights on the different electives. The talks part event was then concluded with Ivy Joloya’s closing remarks and Dana Salonga’s closing prayer.

The Rookies then made their way to explore various booths, each hosting fun activities related to their electives, promising an exciting adventure like going to different concert venues. The entirety of the event then ended with performances from the invited bands, CASALIUM and DYLEMA. The Rookies enjoyed their lunch while listening to Taylor Swift songs–CASALIUM’s performance of New Romantics, Mine, and Red, and DYLEMA’s performance of Style, Our Song, Trouble, and the Elective Fair jingle.

“The Electives Fair is a truly helpful event for all Rookies as it helps them create an important decision here in their time in SPCP. This year we used the Eras Tour as a theme as we found a connection between the goals of both Taylor’s music and the electives. With that, we hope that we reached our goals to inspire and help each Rookie pick which elective they want,” said Overall Head, Ivy Joloya, on “The Electives Tour: Are You Ready For It?”




The official school publication of St. Paul College, Pasig.